Notice upon submitting the declaration upon real beneficiary

Due date for submitting the declaration of the real beneficiary for companies incorporated before Law 129/2019 entered in force is according to EO 191/2020 90 days from ending of the alert state. Due date is valid both for companies registered with the Trade Registry and for the associations and foundations
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Notice upon submitting the declaration upon real beneficiary

Due date for submitting the declaration of the real beneficiary for companies incorporated before Law 129/2019 entered in force is November 1, 2020. The following companies are not obliged to submit the declaration: company listed on a regulated market that is subject to disclosure requirements consistent with Union law or subject
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Tax exemption for Intra-Community supplies of goods

As a result of the recent legislative changes, we would like to bring to your attention the new set of documents necessary for the VAT exemption that we warn you to have for any intra-community delivery. By intra-Community delivery we mean a delivery of goods which are transported from one
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The government has approved the tax amnesty proposed by the Ministry of Finance for interest, penalties and other accessories due to taxpayers who will pay the main arrears until December 15, 2020

The government is supporting the business environment affected by the Covid – 19 crisis, approving the tax amnesty for interest, penalties and other accessories owed by taxpayers. The measure aims to collect latest on 15th of December 2020 the outstanding budget obligations as at March31st, 2020, as well as budget
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Romania 2020: split VAT cancelled

Starting from 1st of February 2020, Romania will eliminate VAT Split. The Emergency Ordinance 78/2019 repeals the Government Ordinance 23/2017 stipulating VAT split system. This measure required customers to pay the VAT amount of vendor’s invoices into a special and restricted bank account. This procedure created a major administrative burden
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Easter Greetings from our team!

Our team of professional is available for any clarifications or additional details required in your analysis. The above information represents just a summary of aspects we consider relevant in the recently published legislation. This is not exhaustive disclosure of information and it is not intended to be used as advice
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March edition of the BKR EMEA region’s E-Update

Our team of professional is available for any clarifications or additional details required in your analysis. The above information represents just a summary of aspects we consider relevant in the recently published legislation. This is not exhaustive disclosure of information and it is not intended to be used as advice
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Romania: 2019 EBITDA & IFRS16

The Companies using operational leasing will disclose higher EBITDA in accordance with the new IFRS 16 to be applied starting from 2019. The new IFRS 16 was implemented also in Accounting rules provided by Order of Ministry of Finance 1802/2014 with all updated amendments, applicable to companies in Romania. The
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Romania: Jump 2019

Planning budget for 2019 should take into consideration proposed general increase of minimum gross salary at level of Romanian economy from 1,900 lei to 2,080 lei. Additionally, the factors of differentiation would be the university studies and years of experience. These could lead in some cases to minimum required salary
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