Ordinance no. 8/2021 – important legislative changes

Starting with September 3, 2021, two ordinances (Ordinance no. 8/2021 and Ordinance no. 11/2021) will apply. We want to bring to your attention, considering those critical in carrying out your current activity Ordinance no. 8/2021 comes with the following most important legislative changes: Dividends tax exemption treatment: The new ordinance
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Amendments to the labor contract framework

We would like to bring to your attention that the framework model of the Individual Labor Contract was amended on Monday, July 19th 2021, by Ordinance 585/2021 on amending and completing the framework model of the individual labor contract, provided in the annex to the Order of the Minister of
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15 Years Celebration

Dear Clients, Associates and Business Partners, Thank YOU! Your valuable Trust during all these 15 years gave us the good inspiration and the power to build, to grow continuously, to convert challenges into opportunities, to enjoy our journey as team of professional consultants and to gain a win-win business partnership
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Romania: Anti-Money Laundering

The following reporting entities are subject to Anti-Money Laundering requirements in Romania: a) Romanian legal entities credit institutions, and branches of foreign legal entities credit institutions; b) Romanian financial institutions and branches of financial institutions from other Member States; c) private pension fund managers for their own behalf and for
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Assessment of the risk of accident and occupational disease

We draw attention to the following aspects related to the obligation of employers to ensure the safety and health of employees in all aspects related to work (Labor Code - Title V, Chapter 1, art.175). Law no. 319/2006 on occupational safety and health contains the following provisions regarding the obligation
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