Tax exemption for reinvested profit

To optimize companies’ tax planning, we would like to present below the current treatment of the profit that a company can invest in purchasing fixed assets, benefiting from tax exemption.   The reinvested profit in technological equipment, electronic computers, cars and devices, and software, including those bought based on financial
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RO e-Transport system (GEO 41/2022)

The RO e-Transport System will enter into force on July 1st, 2022. The RO e-Transport system is a set of principles, rules, and IT applications aimed at monitoring the transport of goods with a high tax risk on the national territory, allowing competent authorities to determine potential diversions from or
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Voluntary increase of the minimum gross wage with 200 lei / month

Published in GEO 67/2022 published in MO 494 / 18.05.2022 it applies between June 1st and December 31st, 2022; employers voluntarily increase the gross monthly basic salary from 2,550 lei to 2,750 lei for active employees by the additional act; for the new employees, the employment contract will be concluded directly
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Treatment for the depreciation of commercial receivables

To optimize companies’ tax planning, we would like to present below the current treatment for the depreciation of commercial receivables that companies have the right to deduct from corporate income tax calculation if they comply with the provisions in force The companies have the right to create provisions for doubtful
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Employment of Ukrainian citizens in Romania

In the context of the humanitarian crisis caused by the attack of the Russian Army on Ukrainian territory, thousand of people were forced to leave their homes and cross the border in Romania. Therefore the Romanian Government had to take urgent measures to help these people. Ukrainian citizens. The Emergency
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Paid day off for self-censoring employees

According to Emergency Ordinance 19/2020, employees who fill in the census form online are entitled to a paid day off. Requesting the day off is not mandatory, remaining at the employee’s discretion. The day off for self-censorship is granted based on a request made by the employee proving the self-censorship.
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