New accounts in the Chart of Accounts introduced by Order 2649

On September 28, 2023, the Romanian legislature adopted Order 2649, introducing a set of new accounts into the Chart of Accounts. These accounts include: Account 1496, "Losses resulting from company reorganizations, corresponding to the negative net assets of the absorbed company." Account 6121, "Expenses related to royalties." Account 6122, "Expenses
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Daily allowance – ceiling modification

Starting with April 1st, 2023, by Order of the Minister of Finance, the amount of the delegation allowance regarding the rights and obligations of the staff of public authorities and institutions during the delegation and secondment to another locality, as well as in the case of travel in the interest
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Changes regarding tax exemption for reinvested profit

Starting from the 1st of January 2023, it will apply the facility regarding tax exemption of reinvested profit to investments in fixed assets used in production and processing activity and in fixed assets representing refurbishment. The profit invested in machinery, fixed assets used in production and processing, and fixed assets
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Amendment of the paternal leave law

According to GEO 117/2022, the duration of paternity leave is ten working days, to which five additional days are granted for employees who follow a childcare course. According to the above ordinance, the father may benefit from paternity leave for each newborn child, based on the certificate of graduation of
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New rules applicable to micro-enterprises and changes to the dividend tax adopted by the Government by Ordinance no. 16/2022 – applicable from 1 January 2023

Micro-enterprises: The turnover threshold for applying the micro-enterprise income tax is changed from EUR 1.000.000 equivalent to EUR 500.000 equivalent in lei. This condition regarding the threshold must be fulfilled on 31.12.2022 for 2023. Suppose a company that pays micro-enterprise income exceeds the turnover threshold of EUR 500.000 during the
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