Paid day off for self-censoring employees

According to Emergency Ordinance 19/2020, employees who fill in the census form online are entitled to a paid day off. Requesting the day off is not mandatory, remaining at the employee’s discretion. The day off for self-censorship is granted based on a request made by the employee proving the self-censorship.
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News regarding the Real Beneficiary’s statement

By a law adopted at the end of 2021 (number 315 / 29.12.2021) the law 129/2019 for preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing was amended regarding the obligation to submit the declaration regarding the ultimate beneficiary (ies). Thus, according to art. 56 of Law 129/2019, legal entities subject
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Digital Nomad in Romania

Starting 17th of January 2022, the notion of a digital nomad appears in the Romanian legislation through Law 22/2022, which changes and completes the Government Emergency Ordonnance no 194/2022 regarding the foreign persons in Romania. The digital nomad is the foreign person who: Is employed based on an employment contract to
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Romania: e-Invoicing

The electronic invoice (RO e-Invoice System) will be voluntarily applicable in the transactions between economic operators (B2B – Business to Business) starting from the 1st of April 2022. It is important to note that the system will become mandatory starting from the 1st of July 2022. The high risk of
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Sponsorship fiscal treatment

To optimize the cash flow of not-for-profit organizations and companies' tax planning, we would like to present you below the current sponsorship treatment. Sponsorship is a legal act by which two persons (individual or legal) decide the transfer of ownership of some material goods or cash to support some non-profit activities
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Ordinance no. 8/2021 – important legislative changes

Starting with September 3, 2021, two ordinances (Ordinance no. 8/2021 and Ordinance no. 11/2021) will apply. We want to bring to your attention, considering those critical in carrying out your current activity Ordinance no. 8/2021 comes with the following most important legislative changes: Dividends tax exemption treatment: The new ordinance
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