The method of calculating the medical leave allowance for an employee having employment contracts concluded with several employers

The allowances are calculated and paid, as the case may be, by each employer with whom the minimum insurance period of 6 months is fulfilled. The basis of calculation for each allowance is only the income obtained for each place of realization.

There is also an exception. In the case of insured persons who are teachers and carry out their activity at several employers to complete the teaching norm, the periods of insurance completed in the last 12 months before the month for which the sick leave is granted are used by all employers. The allowances are calculated and paid by each employer. The basis for calculation is only the income obtained from each place of realization.

Carrying out activities based on which income from salaries or assimilated to salaries is obtained simultaneously as the insured persons’ benefits from medical leave is considered contravention.

Foreign citizens

Foreign citizens or stateless persons in particular situations, coming from the area of armed conflict in Ukraine, benefit from leave and social health insurance indemnities and Romanian-insured persons, according to the legislation in force.

Assimilation of contribution periods

The insurance period in the social health insurance system is assimilated to the periods during which the insured persons have completed, under the legislation of a state with which Romania has concluded agreements, conventions, or international protocols with provisions in the field of health, based on insurance certificate issued by the competent institution of the state where they were previously insured.

Other provisions relating to sickness insurance benefits

Payment of compensation shall cease on the day following that on which:

e) the patient with oncological diseases has died, the beneficiary being, in this case, the insured person who cares for him.

The provisions mentioned above will enter into force starting in March 2023.

Our team of professional is available for any clarifications or additional details required in your analysis. The above information represents just a summary of aspects we consider relevant in the recently published legislation. This is not exhaustive disclosure of information and it is not intended to be used as advice on any particular matter. We invite all readers to contact us for further clarification of any specific issue. Argus Audit team and its associates disclaim liability in any action taken by a third party in reliance exclusively on summarized information presented in our publications.